
Gallery Visit 1: Reuff Gallery/Pao Undergraduate Exhibition

Being that I was featured in this gallery exhibition, I personally feel like all of the other artists featured as well did a great job. It was great to see all different types of mediums and projects that others have created and all of the various types of artistic talents you can find just in students in our school. I especially enjoyed the graphic arts designs such as the posters and the mixology designs, and I also can appreciate the work it must have taken for many of those hand drawn works. Drawing is not an easy thing, especially when it is with a medium that does not allow for mistakes, I was impressed with how flawless some of the drawings seemed to be despite their medium used for making it. I was disappointed with the lack of photography featured in the gallery, there seemed to be only a few pieces that were photo's that made it in, including my own, which in a way made it more special for me, but also disappointing because I like to see others photo work as well. The woodcraft pieces were amazing and truly creative for such a hard medium to work with and create something that hasn't necessarily been seen before.
Over all I would say my favorite work in the gallery (besides my own) would have to be the mixology posters, I just loved how vibrant and expressive they all were and they really popped out to me from the white walls of the gallery, very eye catching and I really appreciate that in a work of art.

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